Denie Veive Tan.
I have to admit, we weren’t made to be friends when we first got to talk. It was at the peak of the trouble in our block regarding her boyfriend and, unsurprisingly, I was on the hot seat. Well, what can I say? I really liked her boyfriend before but that was ages ago and besides, at least I readily admitted it.
Well, honestly, at first, I can’t see the reason why she’s mad at a particular girl. Only when I got to talk to her did I know that she really has a VALID reason to have unfriendly feelings towards the said girl. I wouldn’t state the reason for I neither have the authority to do so nor am I included in their cat fight. I just felt that I wasn’t fair to her before. I judged her according to what others say of her without hearing her side. And I admit that it was a really huge mistake.
When I first met her, she was talking to my best friend and I wasn’t sure of what I think of her. But when she spoke, her voice was really gentle, something way too different from what I thought her voice would be. And that got me thinking. Maybe she is different from what others tell of her. Maybe her side is worth hearing. Maybe she was just MISJUDGED. And my thoughts about her had been correct.
She’s a really strong lady, though. Not everyone would be able to handle the things that she’s been through. Once, she received a message from a particular block in my school telling things about her and striking offensive, not to mention false, accusations about her standard in life. I can’t see the point of questioning her financial capacity. I mean, who cares if she rides the bus? Most people do that. Even in other countries they do that. Riding the bus doesn’t measure one’s riches in life. Isn’t it kind of cool for people like her to mingle with commoners? I think that what she’s doing is much better than what others do. Others do everything to pretend to be rich, but her? She doesn’t flaunt her riches. Besides, how would the issue about her riches be included on the current issues about her? Don’t you think that it’s a bit- irrelevant?
Also, there’s the issue about the awful things that they’ve thrown on her boyfriend through that same text message. I understand that it was their opinion but don’t they think that insulting her boyfriend would end up to nothing eventually? It wouldn’t make them more handsome or pretty as before nor would it make their lovers handsome or pretty in the eyes of others. Everyone has their own opinions on everyone else. That’s how life is. Just be fair. If you wouldn’t want to be called anything, if you want to have an argument, I suggest that you talk to that person. It’s just that it’s really unfair if you gang up on one person. One person who has a valid reason to be mad.