Have you ever been curious as to how a relationship could last so long? Well I do. And I now know how it does. :)
I love mike simply because of these things. I guess it explains the fact that we are nearing our anniversary.
13. I don’t have to carry anything whenever I’m tired or when I just don’t feel like doing it.
Well, I am always tired. Even if I did nothing, I end up getting so tired. With Myk, whether I complain or not, he always takes my things and he’ll carry it no matter how heavy his things are. For me, that’s a really sweet thing for a guy to do. Some guys don’t even bother to check if their girlfriend’s shoulders are still intact even though she’s carrying a pound’s worth of things. But with Myk, he automatically does it. He makes me feel that special.
12. He’s just as vain as me.
Well, not all guys are open for cameras. Myk is one of the few who are. We have more than a hundred photos together and he never complains about it. He even smiles for the camera now, which he rarely does before. And I love him for that because he knows that I am really vain and he accompanies me through the road of vanity.
11. He treats me like a princess.
Whenever I get sick, he’ll come and take care of me. Whenever I don’t feel like doing something, he doesn’t do it, either. He even cooks for me. He always thinks of something that would make me feel satisfied. He is a very thoughtful guy that there isn’t a day when he never put a smile on my face.
10. I never have to repeat whatever I said to him. He almost always gets it the first time.
I am the type of person who gets irritated so much by people who can’t understand something whenever I tell it to them the first time. With Myk, he understands everything fully and when he doesn’t, well, he always finds a way to ask it to me without me getting irritated.
09. He never offends me.
I am the perfect little girl whenever I am with Myk. He never tells me that I don’t look good at times when I look really horrible. He tells me that my hair is nice even though I have just encountered a bad hair day. And he tells me that I always look good whether I fix myself or not.
08. We don’t have much in common but we have the perfect chemistry for a perfect relationship.
No couple is perfect for we have our own characteristics. Myk and I have a lot of differences but we find ways to fix those and make it our source of love. We never force each other to be someone that he/ she are not. He always finds laughter with our differences and he’s always willing to learn new stuffs from the things that I tell him.
07. He never corrects me. He lets me learn on my own.
Above all things that I hate about a person, it’s correcting me that I hate the most. I believe I am old enough to solve my own problems and I don’t like it when a person meddles on my personal affairs. With Myk, I just have to do what I think is right. He never forces me to do stuffs which are right in the eyes of others. He lets me act like a real adult.
06. He’s always on my side- wrong or right.
Friends bail out on their friends when they end up on a bad situation. I believe that some guys do it on their girlfriends, too. But Myk doesn’t do that. He supports the things that I believe in and he never allows other people to poison his mind about untruthful things that are said about me. He has trust in me.
05. He never pretends to be anybody else. He is who he is.
He never pretends to be the almighty Myk. He is Myk, the simple yet special guy. He never pretends to be the billionaire’s son nor the hot hunky guy. He is still the same guy that I met about 9 months ago.
04. He respects me.
Myk never judges me. I am never guilty of anything in his eyes. What he hears from my mouth is what he believes in. He never violates my right to explain and to contradict the statements of others.
03. He never forces me to do things that I don’t like.
When I am tired, I get so sleepy that I want to go home immediately. That means that we would no longer have enough time to spend with each other. But, he never forces me to stay awake or to fight off my drowsing mind just so we could still hang out. He also lets me decide on our scheduled activities for the day and he never complains with whatever I choose to do.
02. He never leaves me.
No matter how many times I push him away, he never leaves. He still stands patiently beside me waiting for my anger to go away. He also voluntarily accompanies me to wherever I am going for as he says, he just wants to make sure that I would be safe.
01. With him, I am always right.
I am never wrong whenever I am with him. Whoever I want to fight, wherever I want to go, whatever I want to do, I am always right. He never contradicts me. He is always open to listen to my dreams, opinions and insights which are very important to me. He never says no to things that I say or do for I believe that he knows that those things would always be right for me.