leI t people view my blog entries but if you STEAL them, it's just below the belt.
I read the blog entry of one of my close friends' enemy and I was shocked to see that the sentences were almost exactly the same as mine. Well, she viewed about 3 long blog entries of mine and then---- POOF!
her english sky- rocketed upwards.
I don't think that she's that good in english for I read all of her blog entries before and- sad to say, she can't even describe herself in an effective english.
Her english is way beyond human understanding. Isn't it a bit too coincidental if she suddenly learned how to write effective english just months after she read mine?
Well, if she can't speak it fluently, she definitely stole it.
beware, girl. STEALING is a crime, as everyone knows it to be.
well, i guess not everyone, seeing that you're trying hard just to imitate my works. You'll never be as good as me in EVERYTHING.
If you're trying to be me by starting off in using my works, well, you'll die trying because you'll never be even just half as good as me.
No matter how you rephrase the sentences, no matter how many adjectives you decide to replace, you could never deny the fact that your unusual SUDDEN interest in english is very questionable, indeed.
Always remember this, a good writer recognizes their works even if some people like you denies it.
Well, if you want those crap blog entries badly, go on, have them. i could always write about a thousand new ones if i want to. Besides, i wrote them for less than an hour each. so, i definitely lose nothing.
I never knew that my blog entries could teach someone to write in English effectively just by reading it. I must say, i guess you're a die-hard fan of mine. I could always teach you if you flunk English 101 badly. Although, seeing how desperately you try to cope with me and my English, I'm sorry to say but, i guess you don't stand a chance.
P.S. one more blog entry from you where I recognize some of my lines, i'll post your URL and you'll enjoy my friends' criticims.
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