Does she secretly take joy out of your miseries and ends up giving you fake pieces of advice?
Does she invent stories behind your back?
I just finished reading the first book of Gossip Girl and, well, I only have one question regarding the whole book.
If you have a close friend and you're together for, like, forever, is one of you really bound to get jealous of the other?
Well, yes I think I agree.
Don't ask me why. I won't give you details or proofs. Just the assurance that I have a really good reason to believe it.
One of you would always be jealous of how the other gets to be more popular than you are. And, it's no question why she does. You're together everywhere. You spend lots of time together and you explore new stuffs and places at the same time YET, the other always gets the more attention.
One would always see the ugly stuffs against the other no matter how many people compliments her. In the end, the envious part of the other would result into inventing nasty things against her so-called best friend.
And a lot more treacherous stuffs.
Well, it's a girl thing. Everyone's bound to take part in the bitchy side of the world.
Only, taking part in it and managing to stay cool is difficult.
You can't share the same spot with the one whom you are going against. The other would be the it- girl and the other would always be just the wanna-be who's bound to be trying to steal the spotlight all her life.
It's all just a matter of courage and confidence.
Always bear in mind that a useless person could always be replaced. The world has a lot of people in it for a reason.
You just have to take one courageous step forward and start looking for the right people for you. Leave the useless things behind. Let them have fun with their kind.
Exactly like what Serena did in the story.
--Blog entry inspired by the novel Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar. (Let's not take credit for what other people worked hard for. NO TO PLAGIARISM)