Thursday, April 10, 2008

for mikee.

It hasn’t been long since I had last seen him but I had to admit that I’m missing him terribly now. I guess I’ve grown accustomed to the fact that we spent everyday for about three months together. We always wait for each other after class just to have an opportunity to ride the bus home, together.

And now, this ominous summer break is keeping us apart for days and I just can’t stand it. Though we get to see each other about twice every week, it still is nothing compared to the five days a week that a regular school year is giving us. And all that we could do to fight off the boredom that the cruel summer break is giving us is to constantly send text messages to each other. It’s the least that we can do to keep in touch with each other while we wait for the time that we would see each other again. Text messages are nothing compared to the hugs, kisses, and our time together, though. The sincerity isn’t genuinely there unlike when he tells me sweet things whenever we’re together.

It’s next to impossible to find lovers wherein there aren’t any arguments. But what I like most about him is the fact that whenever we have those silly little misunderstandings, he would always be the one to run after me, asking me to stop my anger and for us to stop the fight. And for me, that’s the sweetest thing that a guy could ever do. And those funny little things that he does to take care of me, like not allowing me to go to places whenever he isn’t with me, I feel really safe. He always turns out right about things. Something out of the ordinary always happens whenever I follow my own will and go to places that he doesn’t want me to go to.

Like, there was a time when it was one of my band mate’s birthday celebration and he discouraged me to drink alcohol for something bad might happen and he wouldn’t be there to be with me for it is their Corregidor trip the next day and he had to wake up early. But of course, stubbornness took hold of me and I drank and drank alcohol like I was just having glasses of water and there, I got really drunk. My friends couldn’t control me anymore and they called him just to fetch me. And that’s really far compared to where he was that time, not to mention that it was already past 7 in the evening. But, he still came. He fetched me and he even didn’t mind the time and he still insisted that he would accompany until we reached our home. How many guys in this world would do that for a girl?

* this isn't done yet. I swear i'll finish it before april ends :))

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