Monday, November 29, 2010


I`m not a fan of random posts, really. My avid readers can attest to that. Mostly, I just create new blog entries because something really great happened. If not, something really terrible. Today, however, I decided that it`s a really nice day to create this random entry.


Because I want to create another memory with my boyfriend.

While he`s sleeping soundly beside me, I chose to use his MacBook to create this. I`m in such a hurry because I fear that he might wake up, what with the noise that that dog is creating outside and with my great ability to type with as much noise that I can muster up with. If he does wake up, it`s almost a guarantee that I can`t finish this. He`d definitely sit beside me.

Anyway, I just thought that I`d do a write up regarding his last visit here in the Philippines. Yes, for those who doesn`t it know yet, he doesn`t live here. He stays in Japan. For the most part of our relationship, he`s there. But I get to see him for about 2 weeks (1 month at the most) after 3-4 months. Not that bad, actually. There`s always Facebook, Yahoo Messenger and of course, Skype.

His last visit here is the longest for this year. He last came here last January but I had school then, so it wasn`t much fun. Since last March, however, I started working. I don`t know why but I find school more stressful than work. Probably because at work, I just have to do the same thing over and over again.

Our relationship`s not a step close to being perfect. Which relationship is, anyway? We`ve had our turn of having quite a bumpy ride in our relationship these past few months, actually. But, we stayed strong. I know that a great part of that mess was my fault but he never gave up on me. That`s why we`re off to our 20th monthsary a few days from now. And, I can never thank him enough for the things that he has done for me in his one month stay here.

I wish I was strong enough to have finished this back then. Unfortunately, Ken stirred in bed. When I looked at him, I saw my space in bed and it called me. :( I fell asleep.

So now, after two months, I am going to finish this. :)

Going back, his last visit here was a blast. He spoils me, in a good way, of course. I feel guilty going out with him because he doesn't allow me to pay. I don't feel comfortable spending his hard earned money for my own satisfaction. Although, that's how it is for him. He'd rather pay than to have me pay even for just a candy. Sweet, right? That's how much he takes care of me when we're together.

We spent a month together. There wasn't a day when we never met. We've built more than a dozen new memories again. Memories that'll allow us to stay stronger than how we were for the last 20 months. :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Plagiarism 101.


I never knew that I’m that effective as a writer. LOL. I’m superbly flattered…. NOT.

I’ll keep this post available for public viewing so your enviously loser face would be able to read this. Thanks for being such a copy-cat. I’ve been experiencing a writer’s block for quite a while now. You’ve given me something to write about. :) I’m writing this because I can’t send a message to you directly. Funny how thieves like you have the guts to keep your profiles private when more than half of the things that are in your accounts were just stolen. No wonder our country’s such a mess.

Too much introduction, yeah, I know. I’ll go straight to the point.

Stop being such a sorry loser.

That felt great. I would’ve said that straight to your face if I knew you in person. Unfortunately, I don’t. And don’t give me that old excuse of me judging you when I haven’t even met you yet. We both know that first impressions are too strong for that. And, honestly, a thief like you doesn’t deserve REAL friends. I pity yours, that is, if you have some.

For those who are reading this (Yeah, I know you are reading this. ;P), just so you know, I’m speaking with a certain someone named Maria Gnvl Romero Lizardo (Geni) through Facebook (Yeah, I know we’re in Facebook right now. This isn’t my only site. I’ve posted this to all of my accounts. Different sites, different followers/friends, you know. :P ).

What did she do to deserve this?


She did the most unforgivable thing that someone can do to a writer. She stole my lines. You dirty plagiarist.

I bet she doesn’t know how important their works are for writers. Though writers don’t have to whack their brains out often for new stuff to write down, since those things come naturally, they’re still wasting half of their lives sitting on a desk, making good stories to inspire people. Then, of course, thieves would come to take the credit. HOW ANNOYING IS THAT? That’s just unfair.

Will it kill you to quote me? I don’t think so.

So now, the fun part. I don’t want people to think that I’m making this up. I bet you’ve already told half a dozen people by now that you thought of those lines by yourself. A likely story. Hee-hee.

Evidence #1. (Click image to enlarge.)


Your Facebook account. Oh, wait. What does your Bio say?  Those lines are VERY familiar. :P

Evidence #2. (Click image to enlarge.)


A screen shot of my Friendster’s About Me part where I originally posted the entry. I highlighted the lines that you stole. I appreciate your effort in changing the part about the lizards. However, what? you’re scared of dogs? That’s so lame. I am a huge fan of dogs. If you’re going to say “So what?”, let me answer you by saying this: You’re my fan, right? Ha-ha. I’m giving out free info about myself. You should be ecstatic by now. :P

P.S. If you’re doubting the authenticity of my screenshot, check out the URL part. I’m the only girlyragdoll in this world. Google it.

Evidence #3. (Click image to enlarge.)


A screenshot of my Multiply’s Blog part. :) It has a timestamp there in case you wonder when I created the blog. I bet you weren’t even aware that Facebook exists by then. :P Hee-hee.

So, there. I actually wanted to say more but I don’t want to waste more of my time with this. No matter what I do, anyway, I don’t think I’ll be able to change the minds of the people who are reading this already. I think they’ve already seen enough.

So next time you think of stealing my lines again, please think twice, little miss plagiarist. It wouldn’t make you less of a person if you admit your mistake, y’know. Just saying. :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back to 2000.

Not to brag, but I got my new laptop yesterday so I'm in the mood to create new blog entries. :3

Anyway, so, yes. I was thinking of posting something really random. I'd probably write something about my latest pastime then... RAGNAROK.

Yessss. The game which rendered almost half of the students in our country without enough money for their other needs way back in 2000-ish. :) I just woke up a few days ago and realized that I am damn missing that game. So, what else did you think I did? Of course I downloaded an online server. :3

With me is my boyfriend, of course, and my brother. It's not as fancy as the real RO (though it's real as well) since there are fewer people there. But as far as I know, it's five times faster to level up there. So, by almost a week (or less), I am in level 40 already. Yeah, I know that it's not much. But I have work in the morning, hello? Did you expect me to play all day like all of our country-famous bums? Hell, no.

Since I missed my character so much, back in the Chaos server, for those who are familiar with the game, I decided to create an archer as well. I chose the same hair style and sponsored the same red hair color as well. Whattt? I've always wanted to be a redhead. Heehee.

I've got really sensitive fingers, though. :| I can't stand playing for long hours so I only play when my boyfriend's in the mood to play, as well. By then, at least I've got someone to play with. And honestly, he's worth staying in the game for. :3

I'm planning to have my archer leveled up to become a dancer. Another character that I used to have way back in the Iris server. :3 I'm darn excited to see that sexy walk again. :3

Monday, November 15, 2010

I wouldn't lose you, would I?


What happened to the SSL certificates of most Google sites? :| Since it's my rest day, I decided to log into this blogger account of mine just to edit the layout since I noticed that the sixth link which is my Friendster account is actually not click-able. However, it took me more than five tries before I got the trick as to how I can successfully log in.

The error message? Yes. SSL Certificate Error.

I did the basic troubleshooting, of course. I actually thought that it's my computer, if not my browser's, fault as to why this is happening. However, I've checked the SSL settings of my browser, I've tried two other browsers and it's still presenting me with the same error message. So what I did was I tried to search for it online (I know, why haven't I thought about it in the first place, huh?) and I found out that a lot of people have been getting the same error message lately. :( Boo for that.

So as of this moment, the only way as to how I can successfully log in to this site is to interrupt the loading of the page itself. Yes, once you can see the Google log in box, click on the 'Stop Loading this page' button if you're using Firefox or Google Chrome. From there, you have to type in your user name and password and you can press enter. It'll give you the SSL warning again. I just clicked on allow SSL Certificate, no big deal for me. Then I was able to see my dashboard. Not so neat, actually. But it's better than to stare at your Blogger page without actually being able to edit or add anything.

I think I'd be sick.

Technical stuff. I know I work as a Technical Support Representative but seriously,  I have no plans whatsoever of being a part of the Geek Squad. It just really bothered me when that error message appeared.

My Blogger site, I wouldn't lose you, would I? You know that you have all of my entries. :(

Don't let me down.